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the sky's not the limit
Sunday, March 21, 2010
♥ 17:33



Saturday, February 13, 2010
♥ 20:17

what if...


Thursday, February 04, 2010
♥ 19:20

WHEEEE :D i never sleep in class at all today :D yay. haha. it's like first time in like what, one month -.- who cares. feel 'accomplished'. haha but i still ---ed.
and so cool right(: i left the whole ci yu da pei section blank(:


retarded guy.so ming4 da4. go through so much stuff still dint die O:



Friday, January 22, 2010
♥ 00:06

3 weeks of school...slept at 12-2 almost everyday :D haha.not to study though D:
mastered the art of sleeping while standing.
quite useful :D
mslaw said during guides on wed,"nienping can you quickly blow." :D haha


Wednesday, December 30, 2009
♥ 15:34

fellowship chalet:D haha. posting this cause cheryl reminded me of last year 2justice pathetic one.then i remembered the place of the 2J chalet.and then i remembered this one. super retarded okay! S:

met wanting at tampines at 10am on tue. then we took 29 there. haha the bus uncle told us to alight at som stop. then we saw ____ will be prosecuted. lols. so we didnt went in that weird gate, but continued walking forward...and forward...and forward. until we reached changi village O: then saw the bridge and boats.went on it to call twp for help O: walked all the way back for awhile cause some guy told us it's to other direction too. we still cant find the chalet /: tried the cab.the uncle also dont know where it is D: wth..haha. then we got off and stopped this vehicle.asked for directions.this nice indian guy told us super clear directions. and so we finally found fairy point bunglow. but we cant see the 3 D: so wanting and i walked all the way in,dead end already.until we saw 1 (the 2J chalet S:).but no 3 D: so we walked out.wth then we saw that 3 is actually the first bunglow there.and we actually missed it.how great..haha.we were still singing campfire songs outside and wanting used the car outside as a mirror O: lols! lucky no one see.

then went to the beach.got on 29. and guess what. it's the same bus driver that drove us there!O: omg so weird and malu.then say hi.heh. then went to the beach. went in the sea!:D haha love it there. lols... then continue play play. thanks for all the great games:D rained:D got wet:D yay.

worship.heh...good one.although i dunno the songs but got feel.can already:D i'll slowly learn.but hearing them sing is good enough for now:D

slept for 10 minutes when wanting went to bathe. then build card tower:D haha. then, omg.i feel so mean waking people up at 530 in the morning D: sorry!D: went out with wanting twp tuanzhang.supposedly to watch sunrise O: haha.but went down into sea again:D love the sea the water the sky!:D

then went bought breakfast and went back.bible study.sorry once again!D: i think i'm like half dead when i went back and sat down...oh man D: afterthat help pack up the place and some people went home. went to cycle after that:D played the swinggg:D haha swing quite high:D yay. then went home. took 59 with wanting daniel jonathan nat and yijia.heh i know some was pigging all the way back:D

lols...i'm lost now.dont wanna do art.but yet have to do it somehow.haiz ...zzz. schools's starting. second last day of 2009.bye!

oh.at changi side.super cool.every 5-10 minutes got plane take off!:D hahas:D mostly commercial jets.look into the sky and there's a plane flying past you.cool:D


Saturday, December 19, 2009
♥ 22:05

thank god for friday!:DDD super lucky... wake up at 735 when im suppose to be in school by 745. crazy shit.dad chiong me there to camp christine. reached there at 9am. lucky never lost our way. super ulu place at jalan bahtera...road is bumpy. late for the test.lucky still can take.ms lee never scold..uncle gaz is so dam nice.let all of us pass. especially when my fire didnt start, and we all havnt even finish doing all the components yet.those that we did were kind of wrong too ... D:

and that place rocks.although it's kinda ulu and wet. every few minutes you can hear fighter planes fly past you!:D dam cool.motivating me to just do the test as much as i can remember although i have no idea what to do...

ohoh. and today too.yay the glider is taking shape :D the skeleton is out:D haha.left the covering and the dihedral and polyhedral wing. thanks to mr wong for helping us all the way:D cam-whored.if you can call it that way(:
the nice photos are still with debbie...

life impact camp:D nice. haha. monkey bars:D lying on it is shuang mans(: but sleeping on grass is better then floor haha(: and this camp has the best facilities. considering that it's a camp.got hot water available one O: bathing no timing. and they don't squeeze and force food down you.

ohoh. and yay ee, we accidentally passed the trainers course XD haha. not our prob that the mcqs were like that:D

dilemma if i should go.but since i begged hard for it, i guess ......


Thursday, December 10, 2009
♥ 20:55

peiying &wanting &my ladder(:

rebecca &xinhoon ladder(:

bye cheryl O: how's life at melbourne?? (:

haha i found my email and pw alr. but it's already rotting lols :D

and and can you believe it. i read 5 pages of mocking bird then slept for 1.5hours O: how productive X: and the amazing thing is that my brother is exceptionally nice to me today(:


Tuesday, December 08, 2009
♥ 20:44

i need help. homework suck /: how do you even do lit.and art... not in the mood anws, haha. i need motivation.



♥ 19:01

you.benjamin. is driving me nuts :S


Friday, August 07, 2009
♥ 23:05

today is a HAPPY day.

woke up at FIVE. SUPER GREAT accomplishment. went to school for the march pass :D

sing singapore @ st nicks :D

then we all got caught cos of short shorts/skirt ._. like practically almost more than half the school. cos the whole specs stand was filled ._. haha.

thats abit anti climax /: but still. manage to be happy once again and pearlyn charmaine and i walked to amk hub :D *retardedness of waving the flag& ss501 :D*

ate lunch with peiying pearlyn charmaine yuenping :D saw ms lee. lol :D

and went to orchard with peiying pearlyn charmaine. try on clothes for fun :D yay.

we'll all save money or something, and go shopping again :D

reached home at 430. didn't exactly went up, but went to the gym instead. got no one there so i was very happy. started running. and then 2 guys came. so i cant blast music so i used the headphones. okay stayed there from 430 - 7 pm :D

super productive workout. burned 600 calories. ran 6.5km. walked 3.5km. total distance covered 10km(: 100 leg press with 5kg load. 100 leg press with 6kg load. went back home and did 60 sit ups. :D

and while walking, i folded 48 mini paper planes! :D great multi-tasking.

putting the elevation to 7> and walking at a speed of 4.5> is also super effective compared to running. so that's how i walked and fold planes and listen to music.

now my ankle area is hurting and i think i know why.

love today. accomplished day :D

3hope got super high on thursday and i don't know why :D


Sunday, July 26, 2009
♥ 00:34

FIRST syfc training on saturday:D
saw you all once again in 2 months O: <3
there's a new girl (kavisha ??) something like that..
finally. lol mainly lectures(:

FIRST guides session on friday:D
slacked. make ondeh ondeh(:


Monday, July 20, 2009
♥ 00:44


climb asia @ civil service club tessonshon road.

tired but enjoyable experience(:

i wanna do again(:

can train muscles too(:

climbing the rock wall and bouldering gym... $12 per single entry. $3 per harness. the misc rest stuff free. but no one teach you...learn from internet or find someone who knows.. who wanna come? :D

hahas. see it rocks alot. first climb was okay. quite fast cos got energy and strength. then second one. went on the dumb hard corner one, and the fourth one. at the top, got nothing to hold one. so need to cut into other lanes. hahas. shh. the last one, at the top really got nothing already, very long already, so i just pull the metal thingo which not suppose to one. but! with the help of pulling that small thingo, i went up!:D hahas. yay. see how much it rocks:D thanks belayers:D my first one was a guy, then the girl, then the same guy again. hahas. the first climb fast, second one, the harness pull until super tight leg pain /: third one, sorry..hang there for super long (with rebecca!:D) and then poor thing have to hold there. hahas:D
pictures! rebecca & melissa got some...


Thursday, July 16, 2009
♥ 01:51

watching tyfwuu and tfrm :D


Tuesday, July 07, 2009
♥ 22:48

hello! congrats to the ppl who got the idk what thing from completing the ja course and the scrapbook thingy which we chiong-ed to finish it (& they didnt even see it. heck.) :D yay<3 rmb we're gonna watch yog SWIMMING hockey track volleyball next year<3 2 math tests on thursday i havnt study, okay this week seems short :D i love bubble tea<3 it was ice blend a month ago, now it's red tea <3 yay okay bye!:D


♥ 00:12

hello i'm stuck with rebuttal here right now ): there's no syfc on sat 4 july. it's been super long since i went back /: one month already after the wonderfully awesome joyride<3 and i may not be able to go back next week /: hope it'll be less slack :D but i doubt it will be D: there's no guides too. no cca until further notice cos of the h1n1. as well, free-er i guess, actually no diff one day only (: ahhhs. back to rebuttals ): i want to sleep<3 shall focus on that dumb thing now...

ayg rocks. SWIMMING!<3 it's super cool and exciting. the girls are good. kuah ting wen, lynette lim, amanda lim and hui yu. 4x100 freestyle...omg nice swim. totally way in front of the rest, by 4 great seconds:D and and i think kuah ting wen has a alot of potential, she won many other medals too, like individual goal medals:D i'm so gonna watch next year's youth olympics<3 shall book all the dates and go watch the swimming competitions:D haha. at least they don't look like boys (some other countries' girl's do look like boys O: )


Sunday, June 28, 2009
♥ 18:39


US!:D kelvin adeline me mayeppan (tricia sick, sean in the room idk why)

1st day:D

reached there quite early i guess, went to find thiris, then adeline and i got lunch coupons (everyday:D). then went down to 2nd floor-the higher education department. and woah haha they didnt know we're coming today, or at least the guy didnt. okay. so our room, theres a guy called kelvinwangjunjie and a woman called tricialimsinying :D and they are nice people already on the first day. another room, theres a guy called mayeppan and sean. okay so first day, quite awkward. adeline and i kept asking 'now got anything to do?' haha. then they will be finding stuffs for us. and then whisper whisper, the room suddenly got more ppl(:

lunch:D haha first day was the best. chicken rice. very nice:D served on a plate. then after that went to walk around. went under smu walked the whole basement, then came up and walked back. went back up to do some entering the alumni list contact info for them, and it was a super long list. had to copy down then type into excel /: so did that until the end of the day. then bye!:D went home. oh they didnt know that we finish work at 5 too. then kelvin was like 'huh go back already ah?' hahas. okay..yeah so we left :D

the office:D

2nd day:D

went there as usual, went to find thiris cos we're not sure if need to report, and also to take our lunch coupons. then! there's this guy called dexter, he started talking to us, then give us his name card. haha funny. then he brought us down to 4th floor, cos they have some worship session every tuesday. so we went in. super awkward ._. then they sing, we stone .haha sort of. waited for the speaker to come, and we sort of slept ): oops.. and woke up when the whole thing was over X:

then it was 10am alr. wasted 1h there. went back down to 2nd floor to continue with the alumni list... okay... copied, type, copied, type. eye very tired. the ymca have this weird aquarobics thing, but! haha no one went for it. only thiris i think, since she was the in-charge of this thing. haha it's a weird thing, i think must wear swimming suit, then do aerobics in the swimming pool. cos we found her at the swimming deck in her suit. hahas. yea okay took the lunch coupon, then went down. waited quite long... then the food was HOT. really hot and spicy XD but still managed to finished it.

went back up and continued with the thingo. haha almost slept! super tired, then eye closing, so i really closed it for many many times..seconds only. lucky the whole head nvr 'pong' down onto the table X: yea so did this until 5pm like yesterday. sort of went overtime :D hahas. then yea left for home.

3rd day:D

went there and continued with the alumni list. i think finished by lunch:D haha so that's good. yea(: and went for lunch. today's one, hmmmm. was piak at adeline and i. a box. then we 'huh' then haha weirdly took it and sit down and eat lor /: it's fried rice. quite nice. but the others, theirs display nicely on a plate one. after that still very hungry. walked over to plaza sing, walk walk walk. then buy bubble tea:D hahas yay bubble tea rocks:D went back.

helped to key in the marks of some students. omg got one student poor thing got 0. got some score very high, some very low /: then this is how we end our day.

4th day:D

kelvin and tricia didnt go to work. tricia was sick): so yea. then some ppl came to bang us, take temperature. so er we gotta help sort this super huge stack of score sheets (huge as in after we sort finish can fit nicely into 7 huge ring files). then he said this could keep us busy for 2 days. then haha. we finished it in half a day. went for lunch. nasi lemak(: also in a box...nvm /: went smu, buy bubble tea.

then went back. he ask us to key in ALL the marks for all 7 ring files, those 2007/2008 ones. quite alot. but still okay, cos most of them are 2006/2005 ones, so dunnid key in:D hahas. yea so went back home.

5th day:D

last day...so fast one week zoomed past like that. tricia didnt come, she's still sick i guess/: saw kelvin there. then we finished up the marks, and the book list. then yea wanted to go for lunch, but couldnt find amanda so waited and waited. then kelvin decided to help us get our lunch first and pay later, cos quite late already. after eating, we went back to finish stapling and removing the paperclips. then buy bubble tea:D

went back. finished what we're suppose to do, so we asked them what to do next. hmmm they had nth for us to do. and it was our last day. so we sort of slacked awhile. checked our mails, went fb, and chatted opposite each other on fb:D haha okay super lame(: then saw ...erhem..haha adeline you know:D and then we laughed and laughed. cos the pictures were ... :D hahas! and the people there very nice they didnt scold us also. cos it was last day then they let us relax abit cos cant find anything to do. ohoh then we helped kelvin do some temperature list for the students. also done in 30min i guess. quite okay.. after that continued slacking. then mayeppan gave us work to do. filing. so we filled everything up nicely again. it was quite easy cos we knew where to get the files and stuffs:D then done.

it was about 5... quite sad. had to leave already. opened the 3 cupboards and took a picture on our achievement!:D it was super neat okay :D hahas! then packed up. took our scrolls, put the food on kelvin's table. then he brought us to say bye to the general manager, lynette yeo. then a couple came to ask for directions to smu, so kelvin brought us up first. to say bye. haha awkward feeling /: dunno why. then went back down. say bye to mayeppan and sean (sort of) and then took pictures. haha. first pic-short. second pic-grew taller!:D passed them our notes(: so nice(: i think only we do that. hahas. 'stnicks ppl love to write' haha this is super true. everything, we also write notes one. yea so we said bye, and left.

our accomplishment!

on the computer:D

okay random stuffs (not for anyday one)
-the ymca people are nice:D
-they keep saying 'huh so fast ah?' then frantically find stuff for us to do.
-they dug up super old stuffs for us to do, like file 2005 papers.
-if we didnt go there, i think they wouldnt bother to file those stack of papers.
-we helped them make their stuffs super neat (i think:D)
-there's an exhibitor in the office XD
-whole experience was great.
-i think i rather go there to work then school.
-i wont mind going there end of years to work, and get paid, if they wanna hire:D
-learnt quite alot, at least one thing-organisation is super important. if not i'll end up like them, filing stuffs 4 years plus ago, which is terrible /:
-thanks to all for this chance, and ADELINE:D
-haha thank you for this 5 days:D yay.


Monday, June 22, 2009
♥ 11:15

Slacking at ymca now, nothing to do cause they didnt know that we were going to come... Super hungry now:/ got lunch coupon. cant wait and see what we're eating:D hope it's like camp food X: cos it was better this year. nice and just right the portion.


♥ 01:36


was not looking forward to it actually, but after that. haha loved it :D then now it's back to reality, like all the homework crashing down on me cos i havnt done a single thing yet. hmmmmm ): looks like i'm sort of dead. haha. nvm. job attachment YMCA! :D so that'll be another busy week, and haha oh man how to do the homework ):


fall in, took temperature, then quickly went to pitch tents. didnt help my patrol /: sorry! but went to pitch the huge marvelous green ridge tent :D which was quite nice(: and then went over to build gadgets with my patrol. omg the ground is super hard, cant even mallet the poles in one ): yeap. then it rained :D which was good. and we ate lunch. this year's food was better-they lowered the portions i guess, and i managed to finish eating at least my own box(: haha it's an accomplishment okay(:

after lunch, campfire preps. omg sorry i was super lost cos i dunno what to do. but then there's the wonderful backdrop comm and yeap everyone helped :D so thanks! love ya:D but yeah some were slacking /: but not too bad, at least everyone helped eventually. and thanks to everyone, shall dedicate a post to backdrop people some time after this.haha i wont forget one. yeap so the shaky thing went up, heavy and hard to lift. and the whole thing almost flew. really flew up up into the sky. woah haha so dangerous. okay scary. pegged it down. then it was okay already (: thankfully. then change into guide u and ate..get high- not really high at all. but haha nvm it was still fun(: then sec4s got item, wan ting helped to take the vid:D haha can see everyone clearly okay!:D

then clear up after campfire. almost died, cos i also dunno what to do. so sorry im lousy /: but now i know(: at least i've learnt something yeah. then untie untie untie. carry everything back. then campfire evaluation. then bathe :D haha wanting rebecca tabitha peiying beverly huirou zioedy and i (i think that's all) went to bathe. at night :D haha which is super good and useful. no timer. i know i took more than 3min /: but should be within 5min. then went to the tent to sleep. haha not really sleep. hot and stuffy and sweaty. lol (: but enjoyable.


woke up quite early idk why. get ready then slacked around for awhile, and fall in. pt! :D haha an opportunity to get more muscles :D tiring but quite okay. *muscles hardened abit. lol XD* then breakfast. bread. haha normally i dont take breakfast but this time ate quite fast. bread never tasted so good man :D then INSPECTION D: omg. quite errr... /: my slippers was gone. cos i didnt label the plastic bag...but the slippers were labeled okay. confirm one. so yeah bathe barefooted that day. rahh. got my slippers back, and labeled the PLASTIC BAG immediately (:

then my patrol went to buy food for lunch. shared kitchen shelter with percival and tintagel castle. and we had CORN HOTDOGS SALMON BANANA:D niceee yummy (: our fire and food was awesome:D cos tintagel castle got the pro tabitha tan, so we cant compare us to them. haha but ours was not that bad either:D lol but the salmon, they keep making a fuss over the thing, haha those who were there will know. lol. it's only abit, and we changed it afterwards you wont die eating it. lol (: our patrol was super on time! :D we finished eating and clearing up by 2pm. haha which was on time, and alot of other patrols havnt even finish eating or clearing up by then(: haha yay cos we rock.

then it was games. peiying and i did the pacman one. changed alot of the game cos the patrols cant find so many words in the time limit. some patrols totally cheated, and rude. lols. some people didnt even bother to participate and sat on the chair and slept D: then right after the games, we had to do outdoor cooking again. cooking MAGGIE MEE with HOTDOGS CRABMEAT and MIX VEG:D yummy once again. haha we were super fast. and we managed to cook eat clear then bathe.so our patrol were not stinky..yay to us:D

night trails! :D haha it wasnt that scary. but poor thing peiying ): the night trails was fun.shouldnt have toned down on the night trails. everyone's hot and sticky and the 'ghosts' still touched and grabbed us/: haha. i think the '07 night trails was the scariest among all the 3 years. then yeah sleeping time :D


ohoh it rained(: so we went to the mpr1 to sleep. nice and cooling(: but it became freezing cold. so beverly and i hopped out the room in our sleeping bags in the morningO: haha.and it was quite early, so we get everything ready, then went back to sleep on the specs stand. then fall in, pt! :D another chance to get more muscles :D

after breakfast, INSPECTION again. this time, my enrolment badge was gone. but yeah i didnt label it so... yea. after that discussion for patrol item. then briefing for hike. and then the HIKE! :D haha got our facils. justine and melissa :D haha. went to the ford factory, then back to hwachong, then to idk where. like everything along bukit timah road one /: which was quite dumb. then walked to adam food centre.. makan lunch. we all took chao guo tiao. haha except for vanessa. then yeah cos there's no bubble tea. so we spent all the 4 bucks. then then. walked to raffles town club.haha then to idk where kuei pong building. omg asked 20 over ppl and no one knows where is it. haha so in the end we had to stop and went back to newton mrt. and then guess what. omg D: BUBBLE TEAAAAA at amk hub. then we cant buy anymore. after awhile quite okay alr. then on the bus, rachael and charlene was drinking it /: wanqi and i were drooling. haha lols ):

then went back, bathed, eat. discuss patrol item. haha. oooh yeah shake it shake it yeah :D but i didnt do with them cos mine was the last patrol and i had to go off prepare guides own /: but yeah the campfire was great. haha the games were cool la. haha dont forget the lyrics sngg edition. lols (: hmm then it was supper. had biscuits and barley. then yeah sleeping time as usual. slept on the outside of the tent. omg nice!:D cooling and shuang. and no insects bite me. haha.


quite sad last day already. woke up. last min changes ): sorry i didnt wanted this to happen either. but yeah it's over and cant be undone so do our best :D yeah then breakfast. first time out of 3 days eating at the meal ring:D haha. yay. it's a nice sight. then strike tent. this time helped my patrol but didnt strike the ridge tent /: after that help clear other stuffs laying on the field. THEN... OMG:D FOD WALK foreign object detection isit? haha idk it sounds correct. but the foreign object confirm correct one. omg. yay(: haha like what we do at flying, where we always find alot of plastic. and this time, we found lots of wood:D haha mostly kindlings. anyways, it's so cool. guides also got this walk:D super cool and reminds me of the other walk. lol. okay so many walks here and there. and haha rebecca and i went UNDER the goalpost :D haha lame and funny.

then go up prepare farewell. had macs for lunch(: hmm omg so retarted. the skit. and dancing in the costume. quite sad. the sec2s video was touching /: and then alot of us sort of yea...plus we had to get the funny atmosphere back for the skit. okay nvm. farewell. everyone cries. lols /: cos it's a sad thing. so yea shall not say so much on it. and then promotion. this was worse/: hibiscus was broken up ): and many people were disappointed. but dont give up, work even harder, cos it's not over yet:D remember this(: yeap. okay. i think that's about all. ohoh!

then slacked around in school until 5, i think. then went to amk hub. and bought BUBBLE TEAAAA:D yay finally long last craving, since day 1 of camp. haha. the nice flavours are passionfruit, mango, lychee, peach. all ice blended!:D yumyum:D okay so reached home at about 7. somewhere there. ate dinner and slept from 8 to 12 then woke up to bathe. then slept again from 1 to 11 the next day. haha omg. so many many many hours. but that's still not enough to cover for my long lost sleep ): and i doubt i'll be able to sleep till quite late already. job attachment YMCA!:D haha. have to report in 7hours. yeah... okay i think there are some pics and vid. so yeah upload when i have the time too. and also dedicate a special post-see hah i havnt forgot yet :D

okay bye!:D it's another busy week of chionging hw, studying, writing post camp notes and presents (all belated one-sorry]:), and JOB:D haha. hope i'll survive. lols


Wednesday, June 10, 2009
♥ 01:27

more pictures up soon(: 3rd day of precamp starting in 6hours. finally last day alr. everyday stay back until quite late reach home super late super tired.

i love bubble tea(:

random thought: syfc open unit guys are way better than school unit guys, cos the school ones suck. haha be honoured, all the girls realised that during the JA course.

not really looking forward to camp): FIRST TIME.. HOW O:


Friday, June 05, 2009
♥ 22:18

HAHA YEAH ADELINE :D we need to go buy clothes(: GSS now.good((: but cant wear jeans right? must wear those 'long pants' type X: hahas..anws must go for tmr's badge course! see you tmr! :D but have to pay for it..money fly fly fly away): buy bubble tea!:D

backdrop today..thanks sec1s for coming down every session!:D and thanks alot alicia for coming too!:D and teaching them..yeah although the rest of the sec2s didnt even come/: we'll make campfire's backdrop niceee:D

going for coh at the same time...learned the super junior sorry sorry dance. omg. so unnatural): hahas..it feels so weird anws. lols.. okay! the pro -->